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Knowledge for a safe and healthy workforce

Health is wealth in the workplace. The cost of ignoring poor working conditions can be greater than the cure. Employers both large and small have often been told that poor working conditions cost them money. Some have no doubt believed it. Others may have considered that the cost of putting it right might be perilous to their financial health. What none of them knows and dares not to ask is how much this environmental neglect is costing? The newly legislated OSH Act 2007 and EMCA 1999 provide the answers to Doubting Thomas’.

Employers are increasingly acknowledging that well implemented safety and environmental programmes in the workplace generate long-term savings and keeps them off the wrong side of the law. IOSHEM would like to save the employer from eroding their bottom line through fines and costs related to criminal prosecutions instituted through employee injuries. IOSHEM partners with all players in the provision of knowledge for a safe and healthy workforce, equipping both employers and employees with the power to think effectively, efficiently and objectively. This knowledge will enable them weigh and consider, discern the true from the false, the relevant from the irrelevant, and the real from the surreal.

Employers are increasingly acknowledging that well implemented safety and environmental programmes in the workplace generate long-term savings and keeps them off the wrong side of the law. IOSHEM would like to save the employer from eroding their bottom line through fines and costs related to criminal prosecutions instituted through employee injuries. IOSHEM partners with all players in the provision of knowledge for a safe and healthy workforce, equipping both employers and employees with the power to think effectively, efficiently and objectively. This knowledge will enable them weigh and consider, discern the true from the false, the relevant from the irrelevant, and the real from the surreal.